Call to Order: 6:07 pm
Sign In sheet in secretary’s folder.
September 6, 2016 minutes approved by motion of Tiffany and seconded by Beth. Minutes Approved.
Welcome by President Misti Ryan.
Old Business: My School Anywhere app has been implemented.
Guest from St. Francis Foster Program, Stacey Kado, attended meeting. She explained the program and need for foster families. Information and brochures were provided.
Treasure report: Bonnie was not present. Budget report is in secretary’s folder on the back of the agenda. The income does not include payments made through myschoolanywhere app. Discussed budget being made available on-line. This will be considered.
Volunteers: Sign up Genius will be set up when volunteers are needed. Encourage parent to complete volunteer forms.
Fundraising: Leah reported that the Cherry Vale fundraiser will kick off on October 14 and will run through October 26.
Membership: There are a total of 216 paid memberships to date.
Hospitality: Student led conferences are scheduled for October 17-18. Mrs. Doctor suggested that boxed meals be provided, since teaches will not have time to go through a buffet. Mr. Diamond is coordinating the bus driver appreciation breakfast, which will likely be around end of October. PTSA will reimburse for cost.
Micro Mania: November 18 is the date and it will run from 6:30 – 8:00
Fall Tromp: November 4 is the date and it will run from 7:00 – 9:00. Neon Nights is the theme. T-Shirts will be sold for $10 in advance. Ticket will be $10 in advance or $15 at the door. Still need a concession head volunteer.
Directory: Forms that were completed prior to MSA app have been input. Carrie is working on gathering teacher information to add.
Principal’s Report: Mrs. Doctor advised that recruiting is ongoing. Shadow dates are set, and she is discussing with the teachers the best way to handle visits by the different schools. The Spanish teacher will be taking the immersion students on a field trip to celebrate Day of the Dead. Homecoming is October 6. October 11 will be a free dress day for students who have completed the child nutrition application.
New Business: Discussed how new parents can become more involved in PTSA. Parent volunteers will be looked into further. Leah will get information on a spirit shirt and report at next meeting
Adjourned: 7:12 p.m.
Next Meeting: November 1 at 6:00 p.m.
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