Call to Order: 6:05 pm
Sign In sheet in secretary’s folder.
March 22, 2016 minutes approved by motion of Leah Nickel and BethAnn. Minutes Approved. There was no meeting held in April. There was a “pass to torch” meeting on May 25, 2106. The sign in sheet for that meeting is also in the secretary’s folder. There was no formal business discussed at the meeting.
Welcome by new President Misti Ryan. Introductions were made, including new Assistant Principal Joshua Diamond.
Treasure report: Budget as of end of June 2016 and the Reconciliation Summary are in the secretary’s folder. Bonnie Hackler reported that the accounts have been switched over and she is currently working on a budget for the current year to be submitted for approval.
Special guest Erica Parker presented the possibility of a strings program at Thoreau, since the program has been cut due to budget cuts. The presented program would be through a partnership between Tulsa Community College, the Kaiser Foundation and Tulsa Public Schools. Erica has requested funding (done through grants through Kaiser Foundation) and there would be no cost to TPS or Thoreau. She requested a letter from the school directed to the Kaiser Foundation basically stating that Thoreau needs and wants the strings program.
Principal’s Report: Ms. Doctor advised that pleated pants would remain a requirement. Regarding extended day, there is 1 more para to hire, which will likely be filled by the following Friday. Extended days will be Tuesday through Thursday. Kids can arrive each day as early as 8:15 each day. Counselors will be Ms. Hungo for 8th grade, Ms. Adams for 7th, and they will split the 6th grade. There is no longer a “parent facilitator”, but there is a stipend available that a para may agree to take for that position. New/changing faculty include Mr. Childers replacing Ms. Bean. Ms. Walker and Ms. Rodebush moving to 6th grade. Tim Maxeiner will be the Athletic Director. There will still be a swim team. T-Wolf Camp will be held from noon to three o’clock on August 16. PTSA will be providing ice cream sandwiches. Possible dates for Back to School Night were discussed as either September 13 or 20. Ice Cream Social will be held August 26 from 6 – 7:30 pm. Misti will contact Rob regarding organizing.
Fundraising: Leah Nickel suggested that Chip Shop be utilized as the Fall Fundraiser. Motion to use Chip Shop (now a different name) for Fall Fundraiser was made by BethAnn and seconded by Holly. Motion was approved. Date TBD.
Volunteers: Volunteers are needed for T-Wolf Camp, including parents for PTSA and kids in their uniforms. These are needed on 8/16 at 11 a.m.
Fall Tromp: Date was set for November 4.
Meetings will be held the first Tuesday of each month. First day back for teachers will be August 16th. PTSA will provide breakfast.
Next Meeting September 6 at 6:00 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 6:56pm.
On August 18, 2016, a motion was made by Tiffany Riley to increase the budget for the Ice Cream Social by $150. That motion was seconded by Leah Nickel. The motion was approved via electronic communications.
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