Thursday, October 23, 2014

Homecoming Festivities

Saturday, October 25


Applebees Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser

10461 S. Memorial Drive


Thursday, October 30


Powder Puff Football Game

At Thoreau

Girls report at 3:30pm


Friday, October 31


Decorate Football Lockers

Meet in Thoreau Lobby


Monday, November 3


Pep Rally


Tail Gaiting at Memorial Stadium

Music, food, and games

Need Volunteers



Cheerleaders and students will meet at gate near stadium entrance to form Student Spirit Line.  Green Balloons will mark meeting spot. 

Five minutes before the start of the 8thgrade game students can enter field.  Spirit line is to begin at South Field Goal and go towards center of field with students on both sides.  Cheerleaders with break through banner for football team at end of line.  Balloons to be let go.

Game time: 6:00pm

8th Grade Half Time Recognition

1st—Cheerleaders will perform

2nd—8th grade football players and 8thgrade cheerleaders will line up on side line and walk to center of field.  Players will be partnered with cheerleaders to walk onto field when their names are called.  Cheerleaders will be a gift from the football players.  7th grade cheerleaders will need to form two lines from center of field to sideline for the 8th graders to walk through.  There will be a photographer. 

3rd—Announce girls volleyball players.

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