Call to Order: 6:07 pm
Sign In sheet in secretary’s folder.
October meeting minutes were approved by Motion of Kara and 2nd by Jennifer. . Minutes Approved.
Welcome by President Misti Ryan.
Treasure report: Budget analysis is in secretary’s folder. Discussed having a lock box for PTSA in the office.
Volunteers: Sign up sheets for tromp and book fair have been sent out.
Fundraising: Kara reported that the fundraiser was extended to 11/2.
Membership: Form has been completed and turned in to state for membership to date.
Hospitality: Christmas lunch to be provided December 16 for the teachers. We will also do QT cards.
Micro Mania: Planning and preparation are in full swing for November 18. EHowls are out. Flyers will also be sent out to elementary schools.
Fall Tromp: Set for this Friday, November 4. Tickets are being sold in the mornings and at lunch. Also collecting candy and pop. T-shirts will be handed out. Extras will be sold on Friday. Tickets and shirt sales are at $2700. There will be various activities in different parts of the school.
Directory: There are 174 students on myschoolanywhere. We have 28 pledges and 42 memberships.
Council Rep: Tangie can report to the council on anything we want her to. She will report on micro.
Box Tops: $11 worth have been submitted. A tribe competition was discussed.
Principal’s Report: Ms. Doctor advised that school visits and tours are continuing.
New Business: none
Adjourned: 6:46 p.m.
Next Meeting: TBA
*A motion was made by Rob Wright on January 5, 2017,via email to approve payment of the National Spelling Bee invoice for $227.50 (due on 1/13/17), which had been submitted by a teacher. The motion was seconded by Holly Allen. The motion was approved.
*A motion was made by Bonnie Hackler on December 20, 2016, via email to approve payment for fundraiser prizes in the following amounts: $100 gift card 1st place; $50 for 2nd place; $35 for 3rd place; and $15 for 4th place. The motion was seconded by Carrie Collier. The motion was approved.